Weekly Skillin Scoop
The best way to stay in the know about important dates, calls-to-action, and other information that impacts our Skillin Skyhawks each week. Please take a moment to read this week’s announcements!
If you select “Pickup” as your shipping method, all items will be shipped to Skillin for FREE. A PTA member will be in touch with you how you would like your purchase delivered to you - sent home with student, dropped off by a PTA member, or picked up at the school.
Upcoming Important Dates
Wed, 5/3 12:35 | Early Release Day
Thurs, 5/4 9:30 | Volunteer Training at South Portland High School Learning Commons
Sun, 5/7 1:00-3:00 | Playground Meetup
5/8-5/12 | Teacher Appreciation Week
Fri, 5/12 | Popcorn Friday
Wed, 5/17 | PTA Monthly Meeting (last meeting of the year!)
Fri, 5/26 | Move-a-thon (during recess)